From: Francesco Cerutti (
Date: Wed Jul 11 2007 - 21:24:26 CEST
Dear Ketil,
> I have further tried to replace the
> natural Silicon with the Si-28 isotope by adding the following material card:
> * ...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7..
> MATERIAL 14.0 27.976927 2.33 14.0 28.0SILICON
> It seems to work fine but can anyone confirm that this is the correct method?
Yes, it is.
> As a next step I would also like to collect possible fission fragments. By
> replacing the silicon in my target with Lead and increasing the length from
> 0.01 cm to 1 cm I ran a simulation to see if any fission fragments were
> produced. Using the RESNUCLE scoring card I got a positive result with
> fragments of Z in the area of ~30-50.
> However the same fragments are not detected by the usdraw entry in the
> mgdraw.f routing. In the FLUKA online manual chapter 5 "PArticle and material
> codes" it is said that fission fragments, when produced, are available from
> the COMMON FHEAVY with the internal code id 7-12.
> When having Silicon as a target I detect particles from FHEAVY with id in the
> range 7-12, but with Lead as a target I actually do not detect any particles
> from the COMMON FHEAVY at all. This is a bit confusing since I do see fission
> fragments with the RESNUCLE card.
> If possible, from which COMMON and/or user routine can I get access to the
> fission fragments?
As you pointed out, the fission fragments are in fact available in the
(FHEAVY) common, labelled by KHEAVY(ip)=7-12. When I run your input with
1cm lead, I see them in the RESNUCLE output - like you - and in your unit
44 as well. On the other hand, also for silicon indeed the usdraw
output lists fragments with KHEAVY(ip)=7-12 (always perfectly consistent
with the RESNUCLE output), which in this case are Fermi break-up products.
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
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