RE: SCORE and energy conservation

From: Markus Brugger (
Date: Thu Jul 19 2007 - 09:33:08 CEST

  • Next message: Alberto Fasso': "Re: Strange output format"


    it's hard to give a definite answer without having the input-file (in
    case the question persists, please send it to us). The fact that some
    events exceed the original beam particle energy hints the following:

    - do you use biasing in your input (e.g., leading particle) -> in this
    case an event-by-event analysis is fluctuating by principle
    - in general, doing this kind of analysis you might also be affected by
    fission (very low for W though) and missing energy



    > -----Original Message-----
    > From:
    > [] On Behalf Of maestro
    > Sent: 16 July 2007 18:46
    > To:
    > Subject: SCORE and energy conservation
    > Hi all,
    > I am using the SCORE and EVENDAT cards to score the total and
    > electromagnetic energy deposited in a calorimeter.
    > My geometry consists of 70 regions and describes a sampling
    > calorimeter made of scintillating plates and tungsten and
    > preceded by a carbon pre-shower target.
    > I attached the xxxEVT.SCOR.txt file, I obtained by running
    > the Eventdat.f routine on the output binary file xxxEVT.SCOR,
    > produced by simulating 100 GeV protons impinging the calorimeter.
    > I noticed that in some events (for istance Ncase=2) the sum
    > of the energy deposits (quantity scored 208) in each region
    > exceeds the beam particle energy, that is the total scored
    > energy is > 100 GeV. Instead, the energy balance, I mean the
    > sum of all the Endist variables, is equal to 100 GeV.
    > Maybe there is something I have not understood properly,
    > since I thought that summing all the scores should give the
    > beam particle energy. Can you explain this ?
    > Thanks
    > Paolo

  • Next message: Alberto Fasso': "Re: Strange output format"

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