From: Markus Brugger (
Date: Mon Aug 13 2007 - 14:36:27 CEST
Hi Hamide,
as we can't reproduce your crash (running with your inputFile, source,
randomSeed, etc... for a long history of events) it's a bit hard getting
to the root of your problem, thus please do the following:
- download the latest FLUKA release and try again (the file should be
called now: *fluka2006.3b*)
if you still run into the crash please do the following:
- go into the temporary fluka directory (fluka_*)
- run 'gdb fullPath/toYourExecutable coreFile
(e.g., gdb ../myExecutable core.12334
- type 'where'
- type 'frame 0', 'frame 1', 'frame 2' ...
- send us a screen dump of all gdb messages
From: hamide jalali []
Sent: 11 August 2007 23:45
To: Markus Brugger
Subject: Re: crash with no error
First of all, I am thankful for your attention on my problem.
Second, Unfortunately there is no possibility for me to give you
access to my computer now.
Third, I couldn't understand what information you want
exactly,fluka2006.3-linuxAA.tar.gz is the version that I've expanded to
use. I ran gdb in directory that my executable is there.
I hope this would be helpful. If you want more information let
me know.
Sincerely yours
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