From: Paola Sala (
Date: Wed Sep 12 2007 - 14:02:02 CEST
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Paola Sala <>
To: Ercan Pilicer <>
Subject: Re: shielding_distributions
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 13:53:34 +0200
FLUKA always normalizes result per primary particle. If you need
to calculate the total energy deposition by a particle beam, you will
have to multiply the results by the number of particles delivered by the
This has nothing to do with the number of particles in your fluka run,
of course.
All energies are in GeV, deposited energy by USRBIN is in
Al dimensions are in cm, Fluences are in particles/cm2/primary
If you need dose, first of all you have to divide by the density of the
material to get results in GeV/g/primary, than apply conversion factors
to obtain Gray/primary, than multiply by your beam integrated intensity
to obtain total dose. This can be done offline ( multiply all the
results by the appropriate factor) or online using the COMSCW routine
If you need dose rate you'll have to multiply your results by the beam
intensity in particles/hour . Again, this is the intensity of the REAL
beam, it has nothing to do with the CPU time used by FLUKA to transport
particles ( which , by the way, depends on the computer one is using..)
On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 12:55 +0300, Ercan Pilicer wrote:
> hello,
> for the deposited energy;
> USRBIN 10.0 ENERGY 70.0 300.0 150.0 550.0Energy
> USRBIN -300.0 -150.0 -250.0 120.0 30.0 80.0&
> but in what unit?
> for neutron flux;
> USRBIN 10.0 8.0 80.0 300.0 150.0 550.0Neutron
> USRBIN -300.0 -150.0 -250.0 120.0 30.0 80.0&
> the unit of what i get from fort.80 since it gives per primary?
> for gamma dose;
> dr.Klaus Ott gave me some instruction about converting to units of
> Sv/h. briefly;
> - check *.out standart output file to see avarage cpu time used and
> then convert to number of primaries;
> *START 1.E4 99999999. 60.0 99999999.
> * Average CPU time used to follow a primary particle: 2.720E-04 seconds of
> * 1 hour run = 1 x 3600 / 2.720E-04 = 13235294 = 1.32e7
> START 1.32E7 99999999. 60.0 99999999.
> - and plot a plane by paw
> it sounded complicated to me so i am looking for another way. any comment?
> and while searching for, found a work about this.
> cheers
> e.
> On 9/11/07, Ercan Pilicer <> wrote:
> > dear users,
> >
> > i would like to simulate distributions of;
> > - gamma dose (Gy/h)
> > - neutron flux (n/cm2)
> > - deposited energy (MeV)
> > in TAC experimental hall.
> >
> > could you please give some comments (how-to-do) for any of this?
> >
> > cheers,
> > e.
> >
> > ps. i attached the input file
> >
> >
> >
> > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> > Ercan Pilicer
> > High Energy Physics Department
> > Uludag University, Turkey
> > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >
> >
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