From: Stefan Roesler (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2007 - 18:05:20 CEST
Dear Santosa
Yes, FLUKA can be used for that purpose; the code simulates
electromagnetic showers above 1keV.
Input examples can be found on the FLUKA Web-page
At minimum you will need:
- a geometry description of your problem
- assignment of regions to materials (ASSIGNMAT card)
- a DEFAULTS card; use SDUM=PRECISIO to be most precise
- BEAM and BEAMPOS cards to define beam properties
- EMFCUT cards to define transport and production thresholds for
electrons/positrons and photons. Note that SDUM=PROD-CUT defines
production cutoffs and a blank SDUM transport thresholds (the latter are
usually set to lower or equal values than the former).
- scoring cards, such as USRBIN or SCORE for deposited energy, USRTRACK or
USRBDX for fluence or current scoring
- a RANDOMIZE card to define a start-seed for the random number generator
- a START card to define the number of beam particles to be simulated
- s STOP card
See the FLUKA manual for a detailed description of these (and other)
Best regards
On Mon, 17 Sep 2007 wrote:
> Dear all Fluka users,
> I need to simulate the depth of electron beams of 350 keV energy
> into a graphite material. I tried it using Montecarlo based
> Penelope 2003 program, and now want to compare the results with
> that use of Fluka.
> I am using fluka2006.3 and flair-0.5 as a beginer.
> Can Fluka be used for such simulation? Please advice.
> It will be greatly appreciated if you would also point me in enough
> detail which detector(s) that should be used. Thank you very much.
> Sincerely,
> Santosa.-
-- ___________________________________ Stefan Roesler CERN, SC/RP CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland Phone: +41-22-7679891 Fax: +41-22-7669639 E-mail:
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