From: Vyacheslav Galymov (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2007 - 21:09:37 CEST
Dear Stefan,
That was it.
Thank you
Stefan Roesler wrote:
> Dear Vyacheslav,
> In case of heavy ions (A>4), JTRACK can be <-6 in which case the ion mass
> is in AMNHEA(-JTRACK) (and not in array AM).
> Regards
> Stefan
> On Mon, 17 Sep 2007, Vyacheslav Galymov wrote:
>> Dear Stefan,
>> Thank you for the reply.
>> I think I have located the problem (though I don't know what causes it). It
>> seems to occur when I call AM(JTRACK) in BXDRAW routine when the particle
>> being transported is a low energy ion.
>> Stefan Roesler wrote:
>>> Dear Vyacheslav,
>>> Difficult to help without further information on your input and user
>>> routines. Could the crash be caused by the latter? In any case you could
>>> investigate with the debugger:
>>> gdb <name of executable file> <name of core file>
>>> for details and further gdb options see the attached course lecture, slide
>>> 16ff.
>>> Best regards
>>> Stefan
>>> On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Vyacheslav Galymov wrote:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> I am trying to run 50 cycles 10000 primaries each. At a cycle # X, which
>>>> seems
>>>> to vary from machine to machine, the program terminates with something
>>>> like
>>>> /home/slavic/fluka2006_ver3b/flutil/rfluka: line 321: 22136 Aborted
>>>> (core dumped) ${EXE} < $INPN 2> $LOGF > $LOGF
>>>> Neither log nor error file contain any helpful records. Any help will be
>>>> greatly appreciated.
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