From: Francesco Gonnella (
Date: Fri Sep 21 2007 - 15:40:01 CEST
Dear all,
I'm just starting to use Fluka, my job is to simulate the elatic and
inelastic scattering
of polarized deuterons against a carbon or hydrogen target.
Does Fluka include the polaryzed cross section for the reaction above?
If not, I have already tried to solve this problem using the stuprf routine
in order to modify the kinematical variable of the scattered deuteron.
Do you have any better suggestion to solve this problem?
My idea is to modify the phi scattering angle of the scattered deuteron,
before it is put in the stack.
To do this I will like to have some information about the stuprf routine.
I have understood that: this routine is called everytime a "simulation
step" occurs.
I would like to have more information about this step, especially:
- the initial state and final state of the reaction occuring during this
- how to access the particle code and kinematical variables of the initial
and final state particles;
- it is possible to change these kinematical variable according to some
different cross section?
best regards
Francesco Gonnella
-- ____________________________________________________ Francesco Gonnella ICQ: 78140244 Skype: francesco.gonnella MSN: (powered by Trillian) e-mail: ____________________________________________________
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