From: Vadim Talanov (
Date: Fri Oct 12 2007 - 11:36:07 CEST
Dear Giuseppe,
Thanks for an answer, but sorry I am afraid I have to re-formulate my question
maybe a bit more correctly:
In the case of the free format region input, does the region "name" have any
meaning for the subsequent ASSIGNMA command?
Or the regions in the case of the free format region input must be still
identified in the ASSIGNMA command by an integer number corresponding to the
order of their definition in the geometry input (and their "names" can not be
used to assign materials to the regions)?
If the answer to the first part of my question is "YES" then I am just wondering
where is described how to use the region "names" in the ASSIGNMA command...
Sorry once again for a possible mis-understanding,
Kind regards, Vadim
Giuseppe Battistoni wrote:
> Dear Vadim
> he answer is yes: in any case tracking in magnetic field
> is always activated for a region by giving WHAT(5)=1 in ASSIGNMA.
> Giuseppe Battistoni
> On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, Vadim Talanov wrote:
>>Dear FLUKA experts,
>>My question may sound absolutely silly, nevertheless:
>>Where in the FLUKA manual is described how to assign materials to regions in the
>>case of the free format region input (i.e. by region name rather than by region
>>number, if I correctly understand the free format geometry)? In particular - how
>>to switch on the magnetic field in the regions in this case?
>>PS: is the link to the manual at
>>still valid?
>>Kind regards, Vadim
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