From: Paola Sala (
Date: Thu Oct 25 2007 - 17:35:01 CEST
The USRYIELD card gives exactly an histogram of LET. The same card can
be used to produce histograms of many other quantities , like energy,
charge and so on, at the boundary from one region to another.
In the case of LET, the "bins" will be in keV/(micron g/cm^3 )
and the "contents" will be NORMALIZED to unit interval of your second
variable : be careful.
To partially answer to the old posting (sorry..): the 6th what of the
USRBIN card must contain the code of the material in which the LET has
to be calculated: it is NOT taken to be equal to the one of the ingoing
region, and if absent will be put equal to Hydrogen (material number 3,
the first non-vacuum in fluka)
If you have doubt on how to set the USRYIELD card, please send the input
file so that we can check. Try also to have a look at the manual, and at
the Scoring lectrure of the fluka course.
..I do not know whether our definition of LET spectra is different from
yours..simply because I do not know what is your definition..
On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 11:31 -0500, Joel DeWitt wrote:
> I would like extract an LET spectrum from FLUKA for a simple
> target-detector system. I've tried the USRYIELD method that was
> taught to us last March in Houston, but that double differential
> method is different from the "standard" way we do it (i.e. our LET
> spectrum is not your LET spectrum). Is there a way to extract binned
> LET? I need to generate a histogram of LET.
> I believe a similar question was asked by Gabriel Sawakuchi some 2.5
> years ago, but apparently was not addressed.
> Moreover, is there a general scoring card whereby one can bin various
> quantities (KE, charge, mass, LET, etc.). I'm looking for a general
> method of generating histograms of various quantities from one region
> to another. Perhaps I've missed it, but this does not seem to exist,
> which is surprising. If this is absent, could one be devised? I'm
> sure others, like myself, would find this extremely useful.
> Regards,
> Joel DeWitt
> Eril Research, Inc.
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