From: Vitaly Pronskikh (
Date: Mon Oct 29 2007 - 11:41:07 CET
Dear FLUKA Experts,
could you please advice on the questions that arose while
looking at the presentation "Low-energy neutrons..." of
1 Apr 2007, related also to n_TOF project.
Firstly, as I see, the neutron spectra binning is linear
in logarithmic scale, which allows the direct comparison to
other codes like MCNPX. But in my runs the binning always
varies, changing at the margin 0.0196 Gev. How can I make
is that smooth, like in you presentation?
The other question is concerning the code (subroutine?)
EA-MC, which was coupled with FLUKA in your presentation
in order to give structure of the thermal peak. Is it
available from anywhere, or at least what it works like?
This all is interesting in the context of the transmutation
-- best regards, V. Pronskikh
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