From: Vitaly Pronskikh (
Date: Fri Nov 02 2007 - 12:41:50 CET
Hi Vasilis,
could you please clarify one question:
you suggest to multiply by the center of the bin: <E>*DN/DE,
while in the FLUKA manual it is proposed to multiply by
the width of the bin. Will not that be also isolethargic,
and why you do it differently?
> Hi Vitaly,
> When you are using a fluence/current estimator in FLUKA for neutrons,
> you will get the results in a histogram where the bins will be defined
> in the following way:
> (Elow, Ehigh = low and high energy limits you are requesting in the
> input file)
> 1) if Elow > 19.6 MeV: the binning intervals will be those you defined
> in the input file log or linear is your choice.
> 2) if Ehigh < 19.6 MeV: The binning intervals WILL ALWAYS be the ones of
> the predefined groups in FLUKA, regardless the limits and number of bins
> you have requested. Look in the manual section 10. The first & last bins
> will be the ones containing the Ehigh, Elow value
> 3) if Elow < 19.6 MeV < Ehigh: You will get the histogram split into
> two parts. First for the high energies like the (1) case, with the
> exception of the last bin that the lower limit will be always 19.6 MeV
> (FLUKA histograms go down in energy) . The number of bins in the first
> part will be less that what you have requested in order to keep the
> bin-size as is defined in the input. Second for the low energies will be
> given like in (2).
> If you ask fluence, FLUKAwill always give you the DN/DE. To plot it
> iso-lethargic you will have to multiply this value by the center of the
> bin <E>*Dn/DE. If your are plotting it in log-E, then <E> should be
> replaced by the geometric mean.
> The EA-MC program is a neutron simulation code written by C.Rubbia and
> cannot be distributed.
> Best Regards
> Vasilis
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