From: Stefan Roesler (
Date: Fri Nov 02 2007 - 16:17:37 CET
Hi Markus,
one addition to my previous reply: strictly speaking, the result of usbsuw
is the weighted average, i.e. weigthed with the number of beam particles
run. Thus, you can only recover the sum (result of usbsuw x number of
batches) if each batch represents the same number of beam particles.
On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Markus Kirk wrote:
> Dear Users,
> Does anybody know if there is an existing utility software that allows one
> to sum the binary files produced by the USRBIN card?
> By 'sum' I mean each bin in the output file of such a utility contains the
> summation of the same corresponding bin from the input files.
> It could be that perhaps one can do this with the flair utility.
> However, is there also any single command line at the linux prompt that can
> achieve this?
> Something packaged together with the fluka installation?
> I thank you in anticipation.
> Yours sincerely,
> Markus
-- ___________________________________ Stefan Roesler CERN, SC/RP CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland Phone: +41-22-7679891 Fax: +41-22-7669639 E-mail:
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