From: Stefan Roesler (
Date: Mon Nov 12 2007 - 15:24:57 CET
Hi Robert,
FLUKA built-in scoring allows the calculation of energy deposition both
for geometry regions and also in region-independent meshes (e.g., input
card USRBIN). Energy-deposition (GeV/cm3) can be converted to dose during
scoring using the user-routine comscw.f by adding the following (with
ELCMKS = 1.60217733 D-19 it returns the dose in Gy)
The use of comscw.f has to be requested with the USERWEIG card.
Dose equivalent is typically calculated by converting fluence with fluence
to dose equivalent conversion factors. A corresponding routine is now
distributed with FLUKA (flutil/deq99c.f). It is also based on a FLUKA user
routine (fluscw.f) and thus its use has to be activated with the USERWEIG
card. There are several conversion factor sets implemented in that routine
(ambient dose euqivalent, effective dose). Please see the header of the
file and its documentation for details.
As you already mentioned LET can be scored using USRYIELD but only
relative to the other quantities listed in the Manual.
I am sure that the advanced user could score D(L) with the user routine
mgdraw.f but I wonder if the above (in particular deq99c.f, this is also
what the subject of your email suggests) does not already provide the
required answer to your problem(?)
On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Devine, Robert T wrote:
> I am a beginner user of FLUKA and have applications in radiation safety near
> accelerators. I wish to use simple models using ICRU Tissue Equivalent
> material and calculate the distribution of dose in a phantom at a given point
> and the corresponding energy deposited vs LET distribution at that point. I
> would like to know if there is a built in scoring that would do this. I have
> examined USRYIELD but it does not refer to the energy deposited. Rather than
> try to invent a user routine I would request that persons on the discussion
> might give me some assistance. If someone has user routine that might serve my
> purpose could you communicate via this list?
> Thank you.
> Robert Devine
> Guest Scientist
> ESH-4, MS J573
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
> Los Alamos, NM 87545
> Phone 505 667-4254 FAX 505 665-7686
-- ___________________________________ Stefan Roesler CERN, SC/RP CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland Phone: +41-22-7679891 Fax: +41-22-7669639 E-mail:
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