From: Francesco Cerutti (
Date: Tue Nov 27 2007 - 11:17:30 CET
>From Alberto Fasso' <>
Heavy charged particles (hadrons and muons) are normally never "stopped"
in FLUKA, but once they have reached the energy cutoff they are ranged out
to rest. I use the word "stopped" in the sense of "their energy is deposited
at one point", which corresponds to mgdraw ICODE 12 (ENTRY ENDRAW). Instead,
their energy is deposited continuously along the residual range, which
corresponds to mgdraw ICODE 1 (ENTRY MGDRAW).
However, there is a way to find out that the history of a heavy charged
particle is ended: there is a call to MGDRAW at the end of the range,
with the particle momentum (PTRACK) equal to zero and the total energy
(ETRACK) equal to the particle mass.
An exception is if the energy cutoff has been set by the user > 0.1 GeV.
In this case no ranging out is done and ICODE 12 should appear (you may
try it).
The situation is different for electrons/positrons, as you have noticed.
(Ranging out is not done, mainly because it is difficult to define with
precision a residual range).
Still different is the situation for a particle which decays or interacts
with a nucleus at the end of its range. In the first case, after the final
step call to MGDRAW, there is a call to USDRAW with ICODE 102; in the second
case, with ICODE 101.
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