Re: [fluka-discuss]: Beam definition

From: Jilberto Antonio Zamora Saá <>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2018 13:55:25 -0300

Dear Francesc

I have tried to run examples that I found in previous fluka courses,
however when I tryed to compile the source I got the following message:

sirjazs_at_LENOVO:~/fluka-work/Beam-Test/ex08$ $FLUPRO/flutil/fff source.f
awk: line 0: regular expression compile failed (missing '(')
/home/sirjazs/FLUKA/flutil/fff: 105: [: -le: unexpected operator
/home/sirjazs/FLUKA/flutil/fff: 119: /home/sirjazs/FLUKA/flutil/fff: [[:
not found

the files that I'm using are attached :-)

Do you have any idea about what it is happening?


  Dr. Jilberto Zamora Saa
  Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems
  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
  141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia
  phone: +(496)2162589 (Office)
  phone: +7(915)4671294 (Mobile)
El 09-11-2018 5:48 pm, Francesc Salvat-Pujol escribió:
> Hola Jilberto,
> For inspiration you may first want to examine a slightly simpler 1D 
> case
> (sampling from a tabulated energy spectrum), as shown e.g. in
> which contains an example spectrum and a custom source.f routine that
> samples from it. Note also the modification of the input file mentioned
> in the link. If you make a diff (or e.g. vim -d) with the distributed
> source.f (under usermvax/ in your FLUKA directory) you will see the
> modifications. In a nutshell, there is:
>  - a block that loads a source spectrum from the provided file at
>    initialization and prepares a cumulative function for sampling
>    later,
>  - a block which samples the kinetic energy from the histogram and
>  - a block which carefully sets the sampled kinetic energy and
>    calculates the modulus of the linear momentum (of course with the
>    relativistic expression).
> You then compile your custom source.f
>  $FLUPRO/flutil/fff source.f
> If there are no errors, this produces an object file which you then
> bundle into your custom binary.
>  $FLUPRO/flutil/lfluka -m fluka -o tuejecutable source.o
> Depending on what you do, link with ldpmqmd (see the manual). Run as
> usual, but passing "-e tuejecutable" additionally.
> If I follow you correctly, you need instead to sample from a tabulated
> 2D distribution h(E,theta), given in terms of the energy E and a
> (polar?) angle theta. So it's a slight generalization of the foregoing.
> Stay alert for the integrals and the sampling of the polar angle (see
> below).
> I assume that the theta dependency is not trivial, i.e., that you have
> sufficiently different behaviors in theta at different energies
> (otherwise the stuff below can be greatly simplified...).
> Presumably you have h(E,theta) tabulated on a reasonably dense grid of
> energies E_i and angles theta_j. On paper, at each tabular energy you
> would do an integration on the sphere (azimuthal angle aside), à la
>   g(E_i) = \int_0^pi d theta  sin(theta)  h(E_i,theta) ,
> so that g(E) gives you an energy distribution regardless of angle
> (treated below). In practice you evaluate it numerically in as
> reasonable a way as you can, but in any event not forgetting about the
> solid-angle element. In the same spirit as in the 1D case above, you 
> may
> now use the tabulated g(E_i) to generate a cumulative distribution for
> the sampling of the kinetic energy.
> Once you have a sampled kinetic energy Esampled, you look for the
> "active" tabular interval verifying E_i <= Esampled < E_{i+1}. Use a
> homogeneously distributed random number (search in the manual for
> FLRNDM) to take E_i with probability (E_{i+1}-Esampled)/(E_{i+1}-E_i),
> and E_{i+1} otherwise (I do not write down exactly how because every
> time I get it wrong, but the idea is along these lines...).
> At each tabular energy E_i, you can keep the cumulative angular
> distribution in memory (do not forget the solid-angle element when
> integrating...) and use it to sample the polar angle in exactly the 
> same
> spirit as above. It then remains to sample the azimuthal angle. Unless
> you have something else in mind, you can sample e.g. homogeneously in
> [0,2pi). With this you have all you need to set the initial direction 
> in
> your source.f in terms of the director cosines using the variables
>          ===============================================
>          *************** WARNING... ********************
>          ===============================================
> Things can go wrong when setting up schemes like the above by hand...
> Debug and test intensively before running any simulation. Make e.g. a 
> 2D
> histogram of the sampled energies and angles and convince yourself that
> you are indeed sampling what was intended.
> As a final note, I do not know what degrees of freedom you have in
> preparing the input 2D source histogram, but any time there's a polar
> angle theta involved, a way to sleep well is to tabulate, integrate, 
> and
> sample in terms of mu=cos(theta). Doing the change of variables you
> immediately see e.g.
>   g(E_i) = \int_{-1}^1  d mu    h(E_i,mu) ,
> that is, the term "sin(theta) d theta" in the solid-angle element
> becomes trivially "d mu" and you can mostly forget about faux pas :)
> Hope this is reasonably helpful/accurate!
> Un saludo,
> Cesc
> PS: scoring-wise, there should be nothing special.
> On Fri, Nov 09 2018, at 12:17 -0300, jilberto Zamora Saa wrote:
>> Dear FLUKA experts,
>> How I should do in case I want to define my own beam of particles, let 
>> say, I would like to provide a spectrum of muons which depend on 
>> energy and Zenit angle and then use it to see the fluence in a 
>> detector.
>> any help is welcome
>> regards,
>> Jilberto
> --
> Francesc Salvat Pujol
> CH-1211 Geneva 23
> Switzerland
> Tel: +41 22 76 64011
> Fax: +41 22 76 69474

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