Date: Tue Jan 22 2008 - 11:18:38 CET
Dear Fluka users,
While debugging with FLUKA (version 2006.3b.8) a geometry with
parentheses I encountered the following problem:
The attached input file (created with flair 0.6.2)
contains the following bodies:
A -> ZCC cylinder, R = 5 cm
B -> ZCC cylinder, R = 2 cm
C -> XYP plane, z = 1 cm
D -> XYP plane, z = 2 cm
Defining a region with parentheses such as
TUBE + ( +A -B -C ) +D
results in the following region definition in the output file
TUBE 5 + A + D - B
and is causing debugging errors. Other region definitions such as
TUBE +A -B -C +D or TUBE +D +( +A -B -C )
are processed correctly.
It seems that the first region definition is not resolved correctly.
Best regards,
Markus Fuerstner
CERN/SC-RP - European Organization for Nuclear Research
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
Building: 892
Office: 2-A14
Phone: +41 22 767 4782
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