Re: How to creat the contour plot using FLAIR?

From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2008 - 15:46:29 CET

  • Next message: Giuseppe Battistoni: "Re: help me please!"

    I forward to you the suggestion of V.Vlachoudis (FLAIR's author):

    you should supply in the Gnuplot commands the following lines:

    set data style lines
    set dgrid3d
    set contour
    set nosurface
    set view 0,0
    splot 'plot01.dat' us 2:1:3

    where 'plot01.dat' is the name of the File, since you have selected for
    the plot appending the .dat

    The best would be to consult the web for examples on how to further
    customize the plot.

    Unfortunately he has no easy solution to superimpose the geometry
    on a contour plot.

            for the FLUKA team

    On Mon, 21 Jan 2008, Yuanjie BI wrote:

    > Dear fluka users,
    > I want to creat a contour plot of usrbin output using flair. I add these conmmands
    > in Gnuplot commands:
    > ----------------
    > reset
    > set contour
    > spl,ot '*.dat' us 2:1:3 notitle
    > set view 0,0
    > ----------------
    > But I can't get the contour plot correctly. Could you please tell me how to creat
    > the contour plot using flair?
    > By the way, I also want to add the geometry to the contour plot, what should I
    > do?
    > Thank you very much!
    > Best wishes
    > BI Yuanjie

  • Next message: Giuseppe Battistoni: "Re: help me please!"

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