From: Vasilis Vlachoudis (
Date: Thu Feb 21 2008 - 17:16:33 CET
Hi Jeff,
you have reached the limit of the 4-byte signed integer number
-2.1e9 (0x80000000) to 2.1e9 (0x7FFFFFFF). For the moment there is not
much that can be done, apart working with less than 2^31 particles.
There is some work going on to change the format of the FLUKA outputs in
order to handle correctly runs with more than 2^31 particles and as well
the correct error, when merging cycles on summary files.
Wilkinson, Jeff wrote:
> I have been using flair to combine USRBDX files from a number of runs
> on multiple computers. This works fine when the total number of
> particles from all runs is less than ~2^31 (2.1E9). When I exceed that
> number the plotted spectrum suddenly becomes negative. The spectra
> remain negative until the total particles exceed ~2^32. The total
> number of primaries reported in the usrbdx_23_sum.lis is also a
> negative value at this time, although the total weight of primaries is
> correctly summed (see attached file). I believe that the plot is
> incorrect because it is being scaled with this negative value.
> Is there a workaround for this or am I doing something wrong to
> trigger it? I have combined values from ASCII dumps of the USRBDX and
> the spectra are normal if they are scaled using the primaries weight,
> rather than the total number.
> Regards,
> Jeff Wilkinson
> Medtronic Technical Fellow, Sr Principal R&D Engineer
> Medtronic, Inc -- 8200 Coral Sea St NE -- Mounds View, MN 55112 USA
> 763-526-0483
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