From: Francesco Cerutti (
Date: Thu Mar 06 2008 - 19:55:27 CET
Dear Jiasen,
> Is it possible to stop the shower simulation of the event and
> skip to the next one once the energies in those detectors
> cross the threshold? I don't want to quit the program. My
> guess is that I need do some sort of quit or set some flags in
> mgdraw.f.
you can activate the usrmed.f routine through the MAT-PROP card
(material dependent->WHAT(4-6)) with WHAT(1)=1.0 and SDUM=USERDIRE.
In usrmed.f you have to check if for the current event your threshold has
been passed and, if this is the case, as long as the event (NCASE in
(CASLIM)) is the same, set at zero the particle weight WEE.
> Is my way of counting the energy deposition sum correct? Both
> continuous deposition and point deposition, and only these
> two, should be count, right? Are there variables tracking sum
> of deposition in each region as shower develops in Fluka?
Yes, DTRACK(I) and RULL take care of all possible energy depositions.
Variables tracking sum of energy depositions are available only globally
(COMMON SUMCOU) but not for each single region.
The reason is that scored quantities, dynamically allocated, are all
stored as elements of one single huge array (the so-called blank COMMON),
and a complex system of pointers is required to retrieve them.
However, you can set up yourself your own private counters in mgdraw, as I
understand you are indeed already doing.
Hope this helps
Francesco Cerutti
CH-1211 Geneva 23
tel. ++41 22 7678962
fax ++41 22 7668854
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