From: Joel DeWitt (
Date: Mon Mar 10 2008 - 17:33:41 CET
fluka-discuss users:
I have a Bragg curve from experiment that I would like to check with
FLUKA. The setup is a 1 GeV/n 56-Fe beam interacting with a 5 g/cm2
polyethylene target. I'm attempting to use USRBDX to score energy
(generalized particle 208) behind the target, and hopefully get a
normalized dose estimation at that point in uGy/ion. The output is
expressed as a pair of numbers: the "x" has units of GeV/cm2/energy
unit/steradian/primary according to the manual. Is the "y" number
solid angle? My initial approach was to take the contents of each
energy bin, convert to J/primary, then sum them. But what is the unit
mass needed to convert to dose? Can this be obtained by the using the
"y" results from the USRBDX output?
I'm sure this is "a way" to estimate dose between two regions, but not
The Way. Am I way of base here? Feedback will be appreciated.
Joel DeWitt
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