From: Adonai Herrera Martinez (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2008 - 11:41:07 CET
The "Accelerator Driven System Design FLUKA Exercise, ICTP Lecture" was =
a simplified version of this design, mostly for introductory purposes. =
11 and 12 n/p for 100 and 200 MeV is obviously wrong; It would be good =
if you could send the link to those files for cross-checking and, if =
necessary, correcting the files.
We simulated precisely that process in Hg for the design of the Eurisol =
spallation target; you can find the results in several publications =
available at Cern, in particular the AB note 2006-013 (figure 15 is =
exactly what you are looking for; about 0.4 n/p for 100 MeV and 2 n/p =
for 200 MeV).
The documents are available here:
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of df_masithoh
Sent: Wed 3/12/2008 11:05 AM
Subject: spallation neutron yield of 100 MeV-Hg reaction
dear FLUKA users
I have simulated spallation reaction of thick Hg target with various =
energi in range 100 MeV - 1000 MeV. Some of them (100 MeV - 300 MeV)are
I want to know about the neutron yield.
I read at "Accelerator Driven System Design FLUKA Exercise, ICTP =
Lecture" by
Herrera Martinez and Yacine Kadi that it can be extracted from
But what i get from the file is :
neutron yield for 100 MeV proton is 1.1xx E+01, 1.2xxE+01 for 200 MeV. =
much higher isn't it?)
And I get 2.9xx E+01 for 1000 MeV proton. (i think it's approach =
result in their paper).
Can you tell me what i did wrong?
Any respons will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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