Dear Biagio
I fully appreciate your effort and willingness to help. However, I have to
temper them..
Substituting parts of the FLUKA event/decay generators through user
routines is a procedure that is not safe nor acceptable.
It is not safe because internal consistency may easily be broken (a stupid
thing: your changes destroy the energy balance counters since you ignore
the neutrino)
It is not acceptable because the policy of the fluka development is that
of a checked, consistent, reproducible code. It is for this reason that we
do not wish to have parts of its physics changed, substituted or even
..improved in a user-by-user way. I know that this is not the same for
other codes, but it is our choice and we believe that it is also in the
interest of users. We fully appreciate suggestions/checks.bug fixes from
users, or even parts of code if somebody is willing to contribute, but
everything has to be implemented, tested and distributed by the fluka
collaboration (see the license for details)
Sorry for this, I know you are in a hurry!
> Dear Paola,
> thank you very much for your effort in implementing the decay in
> the future FLUKA release. In the meanwhile I have tried to implement the
> decay by myself.
> I have modified the USDRAW entry of mgdraw.f.
> The idea is to overwrite the present decay with the desired decay.
> This is done only in the fraction of cases given by the Br.
> It is easy to show that the desired result is correct.
> In the attachment I have prepared an example. Maybe useful for future
> users. I have checked the result and everything seems correct.
> Bye and thanks again,
> Biagio
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
Received on Tue Mar 25 14:12:02 2008
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