Hello fluka users,
I have a few unfamiliar messages appearing in my .err files - they
don't stop the run from completing, so I would like to know whether they
are just of the 'debugging and information' type referred to in the
manual. (The run is for an incident 3 GeV electron beam on a target, and
uses the PHOTONUC card to activate photoneutron interactions).=20
The messages are:
*** Kaon: P_min > 1.5 GeV/c: 15 1.62058749
This appears several times near the start of the err file.=20
*** Peanut:Ptres,Ibres,Icres 0. 16 7
This appears many times throughout the file.
*** Eveneu: no downsc. group selected, cusngl, rsngl, igpr ***
This only appears once.
Thanks for any advice,
Frances Burge
Health Physicist
01235 778269
Diamond Light Source Ltd.
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
OX11 0DE
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