Thanks very much for the answer of Markus, but I still have trouble in estimate
the emmitance of the beam.
Generally, the incident beam is irregular. Assuming the direction of motion is z,
I need the emmitance in x direction, so I need x coordinate and p_x distribution,
that means for a given x, the p_x should be given, it seems that USRBDX or
USRYIELD can't do this.
Thank you very much!
>> -----Original Message-----
>From: Markus Brugger <Markus.Brugger@cern.ch>
>To: Yuanjie BI <biyuanjie@tsinghua.org.cn>, <fluka-discuss@fluka.org>
>Subject: RE: How to calculate the emittance of beam using FLUKA
>Date:Thu, 15 May 2008 14:34:06 +0200
>depending on what you would like to score in detail (particle energy =
>spectra or other multi-differential yields, e.g., angular, etc..) you =
>can use one of the following detectors:
> scoring average d2=D6/dEd=D9 (double-differential fluenceor current) =
>of a given type or family of particles on a given surface (defined by =
>the two 'touching' regions)
> scoring double differential yield of particles escaping from a =
>surface. The distribution can be with respect to energy and angle, but =
>also other more "exotic" quantities=20
>-> see the manual for more details on each of the two cards
>hope this helps, cheers
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-fluka-discuss@mi.infn.it [mailto:owner-fluka-
>> discuss@mi.infn.it] On Behalf Of Yuanjie BI
>> Sent: Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008 04:16
>> To: fluka-discuss@fluka.org
>> Subject: How to calculate the emittance of beam using FLUKA
>> Dear fluka users,
>> I want to calculate the change of emittance when proton beam passes
>> through a thin
>> foil. I can give the initial distribution of the beam using source.f,
>> but I don't
>> know which detector I can use to calculate the emittance after the
>> foil. I hope
>> someone can help me.
>> Thank you very much!
>> Best wishes
>> BI Yuanjie
Received on Fri May 16 07:39:11 2008
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