Hi Johannes,
you can look directly in the _sum.lis file that is produced after the
merging of the cycles.
For each detector you have the integral (Tot. response) as well the
cumulative fluxes as a function of energy. If you want to have the
integral over a specific energy range, you will have to find in the
cumulative fluxes table the values that correspond to the energy limits
you want to integrate and subtract the two values.
owner-fluka-discuss@mi.infn.it wrote:
> Hello erverybody.
> I am using the USRTRACK card to get the fluence of ALL-CHARged
> particles. Also I am using the FLAIR interface. Now, having my
> simulation run, I am plotting my fluence graph. To analyze my results
> I would like to integrate over this. Do you have suggestions how to do
> that? FLAIR itself does not have such an option for a USR-1D plot and
> I am wandering what is the easiest way to do so...
> Thank you very much, Johannes
Received on Fri Sep 12 11:00:02 2008
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