dear Wu Qingbiao
we had problems with the old web site, and with the transition to the new
You should have received now an e-mail with your new fuid
If you do not have it, or if the fuid does not work, please send me an e-mail
I apologize for the inconvenience
Best Regards
> Dear Alfredo:
> I have registered as FLUKA user two years ago, my user ID is
> fuid-2801,
> but I can't down download this new release at present, I tried the
> "account
> info" function of your new web site to change a new password, but it seems
> nothing happens.
> I am eager to download the new release for its attractive features,
> so
> please tell me how I can solve this problem..
> Thanks!
> Wu Qingbiao
> 2008-9-28
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
Received on Tue Sep 30 2008 - 14:00:13 CEST
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