To: segal_at_tlabs.ac.za
CC: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Subject: Re: modeling a source
Sender: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it
This topic has been already discussed.
You could find helpful hints following these links :
Since FLUKA2008.3 release, there is a new neutron cross section library=20
with 260 energy groups which is now the default one (the one with 72=20
groups is still available), so it would be wise to follow Alfredo's=20
advice (second link) and not bin into those 260 energy bins but simply=20
declare in source.f file the bins of your own data, i.e. your Cf or AmBe=20
Hope it helps.
segal_at_tlabs.ac.za a =E9crit :
>Hi there
>We would like to find out how to model user defined neutron source
>spectra. eg; given a set of intensities corresponding to energy bins such
>as an AmBe or Cf-252 source.
>How do I define this with the SOURCE card?
>Thank You
> =20
Received on Mon Oct 06 2008 - 12:42:40 CEST
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