Dear Ecran,
unfortunately you cannot do in an easy way head-on collisions with FLUKA.
There is a standalone generator Phojet that can do e+e- min-bias
collisions, but for that it is better to contact the author Ralph Engel.
Ercan Pilicer wrote:
> dear all,
> i want to prepare a head-on collision example.
> suppose that electron and positron will collide and i want to track
> produced particles in detector volumes.
> i tried to implement two beams in an input file but it accepts the
> second beam normally!
> BEAMPOS 0.0 0.0 50. POSITIVE
> BEAMPOS 0.0 0.0 -50. POSITIVE
> so what steps i should follow for this purpose?
> ciao
> e.
Received on Thu Oct 23 2008 - 17:54:40 CEST
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