I unpack fluka2008.3 in my home directory and set
the environment variables in .bashrc as:
export FLUPRO=$HOME/fluka
export PATH=$PATH:$FLUPRO/flutil
Of course, you need to define $HOME. You may want to source your .bashrc the first itme to apply the changes:
$ source .bashrc
Then build the executable:
$ lfluka -m fluka
Go the your fluka directory and type:
$ rfluka -N0 -M1 example
The output looks like:
$FLUPRO = /home/atang/fluka
$PEMF = /home/atang/fluka/libec_thihecufealw_10t.pemf
Initial seed copied from /home/atang/fluka
Running fluka in /home/atang/fluka/fluka_3518
File /home/atang/fluka/sigmapi.bin exists and it is not a link!
File /home/atang/fluka/elasct.bin exists and it is not a link!
File /home/atang/fluka/nuclear.bin exists and it is not a link!
File /home/atang/fluka/fluodt.dat exists and it is not a link!
File /home/atang/fluka/neuxsc-ind_260.bin exists and it is not a link!
File /home/atang/fluka/xnloan.dat exists and it is not a link!
======================= Running FLUKA for cycle # 1 =======================
Removing links
Removing temporary files
Saving output and random number seed
Saving additional files generated
Moving fort.47 to /home/atang/fluka/example001_fort.47
Moving fort.48 to /home/atang/fluka/example001_fort.48
Moving fort.49 to /home/atang/fluka/example001_fort.49
Moving fort.50 to /home/atang/fluka/example001_fort.50
Moving fort.51 to /home/atang/fluka/example001_fort.51
End of FLUKA run
It takes about 2 minutes or less on a 2GHz Core 2 Duo using one core.
Alfred Tang
Visiting Scholar
Physics Department
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT
Hong Kong
email: atang_at_fnal.gov
web page: http://www.geocities.com/platonian
----- Original Message -----
From: Buthaina Abdalla Suleiman Adam <buthaina_at_aims.ac.za>
Date: Monday, October 27, 2008 0:05 am
Subject: Problem with FLUKA2008.3
To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
> Dear FLUKA user,
> I downloaded the new version FLUKA2008.3, I followed all the steps to
> get
> it installed but when I run the code it run forever (I used example.inp),
> I don't know what I did wrong, Please help me.
> Thank you in advanced,
> Buthaina Adam
Received on Sun Oct 26 2008 - 18:17:56 CET
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