as i know to do is the way of using USRCOLL in a defined volume
just try & have a look at
On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Bertini, Denis Dr. <D.Bertini_at_gsi.de> wrote:
> Dear Fluka Users
> I would like to create the bragg curve using a heavy ion beam@ 25AGev on
> a piece of graphite. I was wondering if one can use Fluka for that and
> wwhat will be the correct way to plot this bragg curve ( dE/dx as a
> function of Z depth cm) )
> thank in advance,
> Denis Bertini
-- ============================== Ercan Pilicer Uludag University, Turkey High Energy Physics Department ==============================Received on Tue Oct 28 2008 - 12:40:05 CET
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