Dear David,
actually if you install the g77 compiler bundles
with GCC-3.4 using the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install g77
It will automatically pull in the following dependent
gfortran is the new default fortran compiler starting
from GCC-4.0.
However most distributions allow the installation of
older compilers (such as this case) or compatibiliy
David Horvath wrote:
> Dear Fluka users,
> I upgraded my linux to Ubuntu 8.10 and I tried to complie a Fluka
> executable, but I got the following error: g77 is missing.
> I tried to reinstall it, but it's removed from the package lists.
> I searched the ubuntu forums to find the solution and figured out that
> now ubuntu is supporting the gfortran compiler.
> I set up an alias to use gfortran when I want to use g77, but during the
> comilation doesn't work.
> The old executables are started working after installing the libg2c0
> package.
> My question: How can I tell Fluka to use gfortran instead of g77, or
> somebody knows how to install g77 to ubutu 8.10?
> Thank you for your answers.
> Cheers,
> engineering physicist student
> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
-- ****************************************************** Marco Calviani tel./fax.: +39 049 8068822 Universita' di Padova INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro Viale dell'Universita' 2 35020 Legnaro (Padova) ITALY ******************************************************Received on Sun Nov 09 2008 - 10:44:04 CET
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