Dear Ercan,
I just did a quick check and I unfortunately cannot give you sound
advise regarding the unexpected error message because the geometry
loads fine in SimpleGeo. However, there is an error in your geometry
which is located in the ZX plane and maybe the error message you get
might be related to this.
In the attached pictures you can see that there is a small undefined
layer which is indicated by the red spheres.
The debugging parameters are:
X: -30 -> +30,
Y: -30 -> +30,
Z: 61 -> 76,
Algorithm: Jittered stratified
Hope that helps
Chris Theis
CERN/SC-RP - European Organization for Nuclear Research
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 767 8069 Office: 892-2A-015
e-mail: www:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:owner-fluka-
>] On Behalf Of ercan pilicer
> Sent: 19 November 2008 17:22
> To:
> Subject: geometry viewing problem
> hi all,
> i am perplexed about a geometry
> i have a problem if i should subtract surrounding vacuum from each
> volume or not. when i do it it takes a huge time. to overcome time
> consumption i surrounded detector with another region and subtracted.
> but now the problem is viewing ZX plane.
> when i plot it from XY plane everything seems ok but for ZX plot it
> says "plotting region is empty"
> could you please check the geometry file...
> any comment would be appreciated
> --
> ==================================================
> ()".'."() Ercan Pilicer
> ( (T) ) Uludag University, Turkey
> (??) (? High Energy Physics Department
> ==================================================
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