Hi all,
I forgot to attach the USRMED routine at my first e-mail! All the user
routines (file user_routines.tar.gz) called in my executable file
(myfluka) are attached to this e-mail.
Alfredo Ferrari wrote:
> Hi
> could you please send the data files read by the source routine?
> Without it is not possible to reproduce the problem
> Ciao
> Alfredo
> On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, Finetti Noemi wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have installed FLUKA 2008.3 on a linux machine (Model: 2 AMD Opteron
>> (tm) Processor 244 - 1.8GHz; Operating system: Linux - Scientific Linux
>> 3.0.5; with g77) where I have compiled my executable file (myfluka)
>> which calls the user routines USRINI, HISTIN,SOURCE, USRMED, USROUT (see
>> user_routines.tar.gz). Executing the job in batch (for 399528 primaries)
>> the run crashed while running the same job interactively (for 100
>> primaries) every thing was fine. What could be the reasons?
>> I point out that the batch job was executed on a 2 Dual Core AMD
>> Opteron(tm) Processor 280 - 2.4 GHz with Linux - Scientific Linux 3.0.8.
>> In attachment the LSF message, the gdb output (file fluka_gdb.out), the
>> files .err, .log, .out, fort.1 and fort.2.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> noemi
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Address: Dott.ssa Noemi Finetti c/o Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Universita' degli Studi dell'Aquila Via Vetoio - 67010 Coppito - L'Aquila - Italy * Phone: +39-0862-433051 (Office); +39-0862-433043 (Laboratory) * Fax: +39-0862-433033 (Department). ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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