Dear Francesca,
you had 0 in both RESNUCL detectors for 2 different reasons:
- the first one gets zero because of the long cooling time associated to
it: probably all nuclides decayed.
- in the second one there was just a problem of statistics. At that energy
you some ten-thousands of events to detect something...
I tested both things (taking away the cooling time).
A part from that, your input has other problems (not related to
your question) and I attach here a proposed correction:
a) first of all the natual cadmium. When you specify a FLUKA material,
unless you select a specific isotope with one of the flag of MATERIAL card
(WHAT(6) see the manual), you obtain automatically the natural isotope
composition. Therefore you do not need to create a mixture in the way you
did. Also, the way you did is wrong: you must not change the value of
atomic weight in each of the CDnnn materials, but only specify the isotope
with WHAT(6).
b) Remember to use binary output units for your scoring, otherwise you
cannot sum results from independent runs.
c) if your beam is made of protons, you do not need to use DPMJET.
In any case, at such energy, even if you link with Dpmjet, the FLUKA model
is used.
Kind regards
Giuseppe Battistoni
On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 wrote:
> Dear Fluka users,
> I am trying to obtain the nuclear activation of a natural cadmium target after it
> is crossed by a proton beam, but I have some problems with the RESNUCLE card. In
> fact the file _fort.# produced by this card is always full of zero.
> I enclose the input file.
> Thanks in advance for the help.
> Francesca
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