Dear Vasilis:
Thank you very much for your previous replies.
I would like to make sure what is the result I'm scoring if I do not
use target material in USRYIELD.
I can calculate the atom density and the target thickness.
But I am not sure I do the conversion right or not.
The number of stars (2.33 E 07) is close to the primaries (2 E 07).
I multiply the primaries ,divided by the stars , but the spectrum is
just a little changed by a constant 2/2.33 .
The spectrum I got still incorrect.
Very sorry for my late problem.
Best Regards
2008/12/29 Vasilis Vlachoudis <>:
> Dear Lee,
> The units:
> WHAT(1) = 124 therefore
> x1=radians (in reality solid angle [sr])
> x2=Kinetic Energy [GeV])
> Second line WHAT(6) = 901 therefore you are requesting
> Sigma(O-16) * dN/ dx1 / dx2 in [mb] / sr / GeV
> The Sigma(O-16) is printed in the the USRYIELD _sum.lis
> But as I told you this would had a physical meaning if you normalize by
> the number of stars (inelastic interactions) and not by the number of
> primaries as fluka is doing at the end.
> Cordially
> Vasilis
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