Dear Lee,
I think that the discrepancy is due to secondary particles: in the
USRYIELD, you score neutrons generated by the primary protons together
with the products from secondary particles.
You should select the oprimary interactions only with the AUXSCORE card
(see the manual) , asking BEAMPART as a filter.
> Dear Vasilis:
> Thank you very much for your previous replies.
> I would like to make sure what is the result I'm scoring if I do not
> use target material in USRYIELD.
> I can calculate the atom density and the target thickness.
> But I am not sure I do the conversion right or not.
> The number of stars (2.33 E 07) is close to the primaries (2 E 07).
> I multiply the primaries ,divided by the stars , but the spectrum is
> just a little changed by a constant 2/2.33 .
> The spectrum I got still incorrect.
> Very sorry for my late problem.
> Best Regards
> Lee
> 2008/12/29 Vasilis Vlachoudis <>:
>> Dear Lee,
>> The units:
>> WHAT(1) = 124 therefore
>> x1=radians (in reality solid angle [sr])
>> x2=Kinetic Energy [GeV])
>> Second line WHAT(6) = 901 therefore you are requesting
>> Sigma(O-16) * dN/ dx1 / dx2 in [mb] / sr / GeV
>> The Sigma(O-16) is printed in the the USRYIELD _sum.lis
>> But as I told you this would had a physical meaning if you normalize by
>> the number of stars (inelastic interactions) and not by the number of
>> primaries as fluka is doing at the end.
>> Cordially
>> Vasilis
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
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