Dear developers,
we've recently discovered that the manual setting of the maximum number
of particles inside the source routine does not work anymore with Fluka
2008. In previous versions it was possible to enforce a premature but
clean termination of a run by setting NCASES in the source routine to
the current number of the started particle. With Fluka 2008 this
approach seems to be broken as the loop termination condition of the
feeder now triggers on ANCASS. Unfortunately, this variable is not
included in a common block in contrast to NCASES and thus, any
modification in the source routine will not propagate to the feeder.
For 2-step routines which have to set the maximum number of particles
dynamically during the runtime (e.g. based on a phase-space file which
is loaded) this functionality is critical in order to avoid manual
intervention by the user which could be rather error prone. Is there
any other way which is recommended now to terminate the current cycle,
based on a runtime condition, or would it be possible to include ANCASS
in a common block?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Chris Theis
CERN/DG-SC - European Organization for Nuclear Research
1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 767 8069 Office: 892-2A-015
e-mail: www:
Received on Fri Feb 06 2009 - 21:52:27 CET
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