Hi Lawrence,
of course you could run your simulations via a FLUPIX bootable CD on a
machine which is usually running Windows. However, in that case you
would have to reboot to switch between the two operating systems. It
might be more comfortable using VirtualBox under Windows to run FLUPIX,
which is basically the Knoppix Linux distribution + a preinstalled
FLUKA. You can find more information in the section "Installation for
running through Virtual Box" at
Please note that the Knoppix distribution is commonly targeted to be a
"clean & lean" distribution. Thus, you might find some restrictions as
compilers or popular software packages which you probably know from
other systems might not be included. However, using VirtualBox you can
basically install whichever Linux distribution you favor to run in a
virtual machine in parallel to your Windows system (see
http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Guest_OSes ) This of course would mean
that you would have to install FLUKA manually but it would also provide
you with a higher level of flexibility. So it's up to your preference.
Von: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it im Auftrag von Lawrence Mhatiwa
Gesendet: Do 26.02.2009 11:20
An: Chris Theis; fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Betreff: RE: DaVis.3D Plug-in
Hi Chris
Thank Chris.Well i am going to try your suggestion i.e using virtualbox =
Linux machine.I also have a flupix bootable CD can i achieve the same
objective by running my simulation on a windows machine where simplegeo =
Subject: RE: DaVis.3D Plug-in
Date: Thu=3D2C 26 Feb 2009 10:55:50 +0100
From: Christian.Theis_at_cern.ch
To: lawrencemhatiwa_at_hotmail.com=3D3B fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Hi Lawrence=3D2C
due to a lack of resources I unfortunately cannot provide a Linux =
version o=3D
f SimpleGeo for the time being. In principle you could run it under =
Linux v=3D
ia =3D93Wine=3D94 =3D96 I have managed to do it but it required the =
latest versio=3D
n of several Linux libraries etc. Yet=3D2C it will still lack hardware =
ration and thus=3D2C the graphics might be rather slow. In general the =
t for 3D graphics under Linux is still somewhat limited in comparison to =
her platforms.=3D20
In case you do not have access to a Windows machine you could run =
Windows i=3D
n a virtual machine under Linux using for example Sun=3D92s Virtual box =
virtualbox.org) which is available free of charge.
Within the next weeks there will be a new release of SimpleGeo 4.0 + a =
new =3D
version of DaVis3D which includes more options also for profile =
In case you would like to try the pre-release just send me an e-mail.
Hope that helps
Chris Theis
CERN/DG-SC - European Organization for Nuclear Research
1211 Geneva 23=3D2C Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 767 8069 Office: 892-2A-015
e-mail: Christian.Theis@cern.ch www: http://www.cern.ch/theis
From: Lawrence Mhatiwa [mailto:lawrencemhatiwa_at_hotmail.com]=3D20
Sent: 26 February 2009 10:17
To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org=3D3B Chris Theis
Subject: DaVis.3D Plug-in
Dear Chris and All Fluka Users
well iam running fluka on open SUSE 10.3 platform to do shielding =
on an would like to process my USRBIN results using a simplegeo plug-in =
is.3D i.e to extract vales as well as producing profiles from my =
results.Since iam using Lunix where can i get a lunix version of =
o ? or is it possible to use the windows version on SUSE? If so how do =
i =3D
install it and process my results.
Please help
Lawrence Mhatiwa
What can you do with the new Windows Live? Find out
News=3D2C entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. Get =
it now=3D
Content-Type: text/html; charset=3D"Windows-1252"
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Hi Chris<BR>
Thank Chris.Well =3D3Bi am going to try =3D3Byour suggestion i.e =
using =3D
virtualbox on Linux machine.I also have a flupix bootable CD can i =
achieve =3D
the same =3D3Bobjective =3D3B by running =3D3Bmy =
simulation =3D3Bon=3D
a windows machine where =3D3Bsimplegeo is installed?<BR>
<BR> =3D3B<BR>
<HR id=3D3DstopSpelling>
Subject: RE: DaVis.3D Plug-in<BR>Date: Thu=3D2C 26 Feb 2009 10:55:50 =
>From: Christian.Theis_at_cern.ch<BR>To: lawrencemhatiwa_at_hotmail.com=3D3B =
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<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Hi Lawrence=3D2C</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'"> =3D3B</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">due to a lack of resources I =
unately cannot provide a Linux version of SimpleGeo for the time being. =
In =3D
principle you could run it under Linux via =3D93Wine=3D94 =3D96 I have =
managed to=3D
do it but it required the latest version of several Linux libraries =
etc. Y=3D
et=3D2C it will still lack hardware acceleration and thus=3D2C the =
graphics mig=3D
ht be rather slow. In general the support for 3D graphics under Linux is =
ill somewhat limited in comparison to other platforms. </SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'"> =3D3B</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">In case you do not have access =
to a=3D
Windows machine you could run Windows in a virtual machine under Linux =
ng for example Sun=3D92s Virtual box </SPAN><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">(<A =
href=3D3D"http://www.virtualbox.o=3D <http://www.virtualbox.o=3D/>=20
rg/">www.virtualbox.org</A>) </SPAN><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
11pt=3D3B COLOR=3D
: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">which is =
available free=3D
of charge.</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'"> =3D3B</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Within the next weeks there =
will be=3D
a new release of SimpleGeo 4.0 + a new version of DaVis3D which =
includes m=3D
ore options also for profile extraction. In case you would like to try =
the =3D
pre-release just send me an e-mail.</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'"> =3D3B</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Hope that helps</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Chris</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'"> =3D3B</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D
LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D
LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">Chris Theis</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D
LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">CERN/DG-SC - European =
Organization f=3D
or Nuclear Research</SPAN></P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D
LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">1211 Geneva 23=3D2C =
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D
LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">Phone: +41 22 767 =
8069 =3D3B =3D
=3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D=
3B =3D3B =3D3B=3D
 =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B&nb=
sp=3D3B Office: 89=3D
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DDE-AT style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D
LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">e-mail: </SPAN><SPAN =
lang=3D3DEN-GB st=3D
yle=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt=3D3B COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
Consolas"><A hre=3D
f=3D3D"mailto:Christian.Theis_at_cern.ch"><SPAN lang=3D3DDE-AT =
style=3D3D"COLOR: blu=3D
e">Christian.Theis_at_cern.ch</SPAN></A></SPAN><SPAN lang=3D3DDE-AT =
T-SIZE: 10.5pt=3D3B COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
Consolas"> =3D3B =3D3B=3D
 =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B =3D3B&nb=
sp=3D3B www: </SPA=3D
N><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt=3D3B COLOR: =
#1f497d=3D3B FONT-F=3D
AMILY: Consolas"><A href=3D3D"http://www.cern.ch/theis"><SPAN =
lang=3D3DDE-AT st=3D
yle=3D3D"COLOR: blue">http://www.cern.ch/theis</SPAN></A></SPAN><SPAN =
DE-AT style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt=3D3B COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D
LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'"> =3D3B</SPAN></P>
<DIV style=3D3D"BORDER-RIGHT: medium none=3D3B PADDING-RIGHT: 0cm=3D3B =
: medium none=3D3B PADDING-LEFT: 4pt=3D3B PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm=3D3B =
lue 1.5pt solid=3D3B PADDING-TOP: 0cm=3D3B BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none">
<DIV style=3D3D"BORDER-RIGHT: medium none=3D3B PADDING-RIGHT: 0cm=3D3B =
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EFT: medium none=3D3B PADDING-TOP: 3pt=3D3B BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none">
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><B><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt=3D3B =
Tahoma'=3D2C'sans-serif'">From:</SPAN></B><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10pt=3D3B F=3D
ONT-FAMILY: 'Tahoma'=3D2C'sans-serif'"> Lawrence Mhatiwa =
iwa_at_hotmail.com] <BR><B>Sent:</B> 26 February 2009 10:17<BR><B>To:</B> =
a-discuss_at_fluka.org=3D3B Chris Theis<BR><B>Subject:</B> DaVis.3D =
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal> =3D3B</P>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal style=3D3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12pt"><SPAN =
IZE: 10pt=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: 'Verdana'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Dear Chris and =
All Fluk=3D
a Users<BR> =3D3B<BR>well iam running fluka on open SUSE 10.3 =
platform to=3D
do shielding calculation an would like to process my USRBIN results =
using =3D
a simplegeo plug-in DaVis.3D i.e to extract vales as well as producing =
iles from my simulation results.Since iam using Lunix =3D3B where =
can i g=3D
et a lunix version of simplegeo ? or =3D3B is it  =3D3Bpossible =
to use =3D
the windows version on SUSE? If so how do i install it and process my =
ts.<BR> =3D3B<BR>Please help<BR> =3D3B<BR>Lawrence =
Mhatiwa<BR> =3D3B<=3D
BR> =3D3B</SPAN></P>
<DIV class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal style=3D3D"TEXT-ALIGN: center" =
style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
<HR align=3D3Dcenter width=3D3D"100%" SIZE=3D3D2>
<P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt=3D3B =
dana'=3D2C'sans-serif'">What can you do with the new Windows Live? <A =
"http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowslive/default.aspx">Find =
PAN></P></DIV></DIV><br /><hr />Get news=3D2C entertainment and =
everything yo=3D
u care about at Live.com. <a =
href=3D3D'http://www.live.com/getstarted.aspx ' =3D
target=3D3D'_new'>Check it out!</a></body>
Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<HTML dir=3Dltr><HEAD><TITLE>RE: DaVis.3D Plug-in</TITLE>=0A=
<META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dunicode">=0A=
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.6001.18203" name=3DGENERATOR></HEAD>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr>Hi Lawrence,</DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr> </DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr>of course you could run your simulations via a =
FLUPIX bootable CD on a machine which is usually running Windows. =
However, in that case you would have to reboot to switch between the two =
operating systems. It might be more comfortable using =
VirtualBox under Windows to run FLUPIX, which is =
basically the Knoppix Linux distribution + a preinstalled =
FLUKA. You can find more information in the section "Installation for =
running through Virtual Box" at </DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr> </DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr><A =
<DIV dir=3Dltr> </DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr>Please note that the Knoppix distribution is commonly =
targeted to be a "clean & lean" distribution. Thus, you might find =
some restrictions as compilers or popular software packages which you =
probably know from other systems might not be included. However, using =
VirtualBox you can basically install whichever Linux distribution you =
favor to run in a virtual machine in parallel to your Windows =
system (see <A =
org/wiki/Guest_OSes</A> ) This of course would mean that you would =
have to install FLUKA manually but it would also provide you with a =
higher level of flexibility. So it's up to your preference.</DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr> </DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr>Cheers</DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr>Chris</DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr><BR> </DIV>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr>=0A=
<HR tabIndex=3D-1>=0A=
<DIV dir=3Dltr><FONT face=3DTahoma size=3D2><B>Von:</B> =
owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it im Auftrag von Lawrence =
Mhatiwa<BR><B>Gesendet:</B> Do 26.02.2009 11:20<BR><B>An:</B> Chris =
Theis; fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org<BR><B>Betreff:</B> RE: DaVis.3D =
<P><FONT size=3D2>Hi Chris<BR><BR>Thank Chris.Well i am going to try =
your suggestion i.e using virtualbox on<BR>Linux machine.I also have a =
flupix bootable CD can i achieve the same<BR>objective by running =
my simulation on a windows machine where simplegeo =
is<BR>installed?<BR><BR>Lawrence<BR><BR><BR>Subject: RE: DaVis.3D =
Plug-in<BR>Date: Thu=3D2C 26 Feb 2009 10:55:50 +0100<BR>From: =
Christian.Theis_at_cern.ch<BR>To: lawrencemhatiwa_at_hotmail.com=3D3B =
fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Hi =
Lawrence=3D2C<BR>=3D20<BR>due to a lack of resources I unfortunately =
cannot provide a Linux version o=3D<BR>f SimpleGeo for the time being. =
In principle you could run it under Linux v=3D<BR>ia =3D93Wine=3D94 =
=3D96 I have managed to do it but it required the latest versio=3D<BR>n =
of several Linux libraries etc. Yet=3D2C it will still lack hardware =
accele=3D<BR>ration and thus=3D2C the graphics might be rather slow. In =
general the suppor=3D<BR>t for 3D graphics under Linux is still somewhat =
limited in comparison to ot=3D<BR>her platforms.=3D20<BR>=3D20<BR>In =
case you do not have access to a Windows machine you could run Windows =
i=3D<BR>n a virtual machine under Linux using for example Sun=3D92s =
Virtual box (www.=3D<BR>virtualbox.org) which is available free of =
charge.<BR>=3D20<BR>Within the next weeks there will be a new release of =
SimpleGeo 4.0 + a new =3D<BR>version of DaVis3D which includes more =
options also for profile extraction.=3D<BR> In case you would like =
to try the pre-release just send me an e-mail.<BR>=3D20<BR>Hope that =
------------------------------<BR>Chris Theis<BR>CERN/DG-SC - European =
Organization for Nuclear Research<BR>1211 Geneva 23=3D2C =
Switzerland<BR>Phone: +41 22 767 =
8069 &nb=
sp; Office: =
892-2A-015<BR>e-mail: =
Christian.Theis_at_cern.ch &n=
bsp; www: <A =
0<BR><BR><BR><BR>From: Lawrence Mhatiwa [<A =
l.com</A>]=3D20<BR>Sent: 26 February 2009 10:17<BR>To: =
fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org=3D3B Chris Theis<BR>Subject: DaVis.3D =
Plug-in<BR>=3D20<BR>Dear Chris and All Fluka Users<BR>=3D20<BR>well iam =
running fluka on open SUSE 10.3 platform to do shielding =
calculati=3D<BR>on an would like to process my USRBIN results using a =
simplegeo plug-in DaV=3D<BR>is.3D i.e to extract vales as well as =
producing profiles from my simulation=3D<BR> results.Since iam =
using Lunix where can i get a lunix version of simplege=3D<BR>o ? =
or is it possible to use the windows version on SUSE? If so =
how do i =3D<BR>install it and process my results.<BR>=3D20<BR>Please =
help<BR>=3D20<BR>Lawrence Mhatiwa<BR>=3D20<BR>=3D20<BR><BR><BR><BR>What =
can you do with the new Windows Live? Find =
BR>News=3D2C entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. =
Get it now=3D<BR>!<BR><A =
ent-Type: text/html; =
charset=3D"Windows-1252"<BR>Content-Transfer-Encoding: =
.hmmessage =
ont-size: =
BR><body class=3D3D'hmmessage'><BR>Hi =
Chris<BR><BR>&nbsp=3D3B<BR><BR>Thank =
Chris.Well&nbsp=3D3Bi am going to try&nbsp=3D3Byour suggestion =
i.e using =3D<BR>virtualbox on Linux machine.I also have a flupix =
bootable CD can i achieve =3D<BR>the =
same&nbsp=3D3Bobjective&nbsp=3D3B by running&nbsp=3D3Bmy =
simulation&nbsp=3D3Bon=3D<BR> a windows machine =
where&nbsp=3D3Bsimplegeo is =
id=3D3DstopSpelling><BR>Subject: RE: DaVis.3D Plug-in<BR>Date: =
Thu=3D2C 26 Feb 2009 10:55:50 +0100<BR=3D<BR>>From: =
Christian.Theis_at_cern.ch<BR>To: lawrencemhatiwa_at_hotmail.com=3D3B =
xternalClass =
lass p.EC_MsoNormal=3D2C .ExternalClass li.EC_MsoNormal=3D2C =
.Externa=3D<BR>lClass =
family:'Times New Roman'=3D<BR>=3D2C'serif'=3D3B}<BR>.ExternalClass =
a:link=3D2C .ExternalClass =
R>.ExternalClass a:visited=3D2C .ExternalClass =
ne=3D3B}<BR>.ExternalClass =
family:'Times=3D<BR> New Roman'=3D2C'serif'=3D3B}<BR>.ExternalClass =
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.EC_MsoChpDefault<BR>{font-size:10.0pt=3D3B}<BR>@page =
Section1<BR>{size:612.0pt 792.0pt=3D3B}<BR>.ExternalClass =
div.EC_Section1<BR>{page:Section1=3D3B}<BR></STYLE><BR><BR><DIV =
class=3D3DEC_Section1><BR><P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN =
style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
#1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Hi =
Lawrence=3D2C</SPAN></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
lt;P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">due to a lack of resources I =
unfort=3D<BR>unately cannot provide a Linux version of SimpleGeo for the =
time being. In =3D<BR>principle you could run it under Linux via =
=3D93Wine=3D94 =3D96 I have managed to=3D<BR> do it but it required =
the latest version of several Linux libraries etc. Y=3D<BR>et=3D2C it =
will still lack hardware acceleration and thus=3D2C the graphics =
mig=3D<BR>ht be rather slow. In general the support for 3D graphics =
under Linux is st=3D<BR>ill somewhat limited in comparison to other =
platforms. </SPAN></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
lt;P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">In case you do not have access to =
a=3D<BR> Windows machine you could run Windows in a virtual machine =
under Linux usi=3D<BR>ng for example Sun=3D92s Virtual box =
</SPAN><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
11pt=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: 'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">(<A =
href=3D3D"<A =
/">www.virtualbox.org</A>) </SPAN><SPAN =
style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR=3D<BR>: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">which is available free=3D<BR> of =
charge.</SPAN></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
lt;P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Within the next weeks there will =
be=3D<BR> a new release of SimpleGeo 4.0 + a new version of DaVis3D =
which includes m=3D<BR>ore options also for profile extraction. In case =
you would like to try the =3D<BR>pre-release just send me an =
e-mail.</SPAN></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
lt;P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Hope that =
helps</SPAN></P><BR><P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN =
style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B COLOR: =
#1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
'Calibri'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Chris</SPAN></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
lt;DIV><BR><P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB =
style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D<BR>LOR: #1f497d=3D3B =
-------------------</SPAN></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D<BR>LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">Chris =
Theis</SPAN></P><BR><P class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN =
lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D<BR>LOR: =
#1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">CERN/DG-SC - European =
Organization f=3D<BR>or Nuclear Research</SPAN></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D<BR>LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">1211 =
Geneva 23=3D2C Switzerland</SPAN>=3D<BR></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D<BR>LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">Phone: =
+41 22 767 =
nbsp=3D3B&nbsp=3D3B&nbsp=3D3B&nbsp=3D3B&nbsp=3D3B =
Office: 89=3D<BR>2-2A-015</SPAN></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DDE-AT style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D<BR>LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas">e-mail: =
</SPAN><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB st=3D<BR>yle=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: Consolas"><A =
hre=3D<BR>f=3D3D"<A =
>"><SPAN lang=3D3DDE-AT style=3D3D"COLOR: =
t;<SPAN lang=3D3DDE-AT style=3D3D"FON=3D<BR>T-SIZE: 10.5pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
amp;nbsp=3D3B www: </SPA=3D<BR>N><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB =
style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt=3D3B COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B =
FONT-F=3D<BR>AMILY: Consolas"><A href=3D3D"<A =
AN lang=3D3DDE-AT st=3D<BR>yle=3D3D"COLOR: blue"><A =
t;</A></SPAN><SPAN lang=3D3D=3D<BR>DE-AT =
style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt=3D3B COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
Consolas=3D<BR>"></SPAN></P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN lang=3D3DEN-GB style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10.5pt=3D3B CO=3D<BR>LOR: #1f497d=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
-------------------</SPAN></P></DIV><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 11pt=3D3B =
COLOR: #1f497d=3D3B=3D<BR> FONT-FAMILY: =
lt;DIV style=3D3D"BORDER-RIGHT: medium none=3D3B PADDING-RIGHT: 0cm=3D3B =
BORDER-TOP=3D<BR>: medium none=3D3B PADDING-LEFT: 4pt=3D3B =
PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm=3D3B BORDER-LEFT: b=3D<BR>lue 1.5pt solid=3D3B =
none"><BR><DIV><BR><DIV style=3D3D"BORDER-RIGHT: medium =
none=3D3B PADDING-RIGHT: 0cm=3D3B BORDER-TOP=3D<BR>: #b5c4df 1pt =
solid=3D3B PADDING-LEFT: 0cm=3D3B PADDING-BOTTOM: 0cm=3D3B =
BORDER-L=3D<BR>EFT: medium none=3D3B PADDING-TOP: 3pt=3D3B =
BORDER-BOTTOM: medium none"><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><B><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10pt=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt=3D3B F=3D<BR>ONT-FAMILY: =
'Tahoma'=3D2C'sans-serif'"> Lawrence Mhatiwa [<A =
.com] <BR><B>Sent:</B> 26 February 2009 =
10:17<BR><B>To:</B> =
fluk=3D<BR>a-discuss_at_fluka.org=3D3B Chris =
Theis<BR><B>Subject:</B> DaVis.3D =
Plug-in</SPA=3D<BR>N></P></DIV></DIV><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal>&nbsp=3D3B</P><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal style=3D3D"MARGIN-BOTTOM: 12pt"><SPAN =
style=3D3D"FONT-S=3D<BR>IZE: 10pt=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: =
'Verdana'=3D2C'sans-serif'">Dear Chris and All Fluk=3D<BR>a =
Users<BR>&nbsp=3D3B<BR>well iam running fluka on open =
SUSE 10.3 platform to=3D<BR> do shielding calculation an would like =
to process my USRBIN results using =3D<BR>a simplegeo plug-in DaVis.3D =
i.e to extract vales as well as producing prof=3D<BR>iles from my =
simulation results.Since iam using Lunix&nbsp=3D3B where can i =
g=3D<BR>et a lunix version of simplegeo ? or&nbsp=3D3B is it =
&nbsp=3D3Bpossible to use =3D<BR>the windows version on SUSE? If so =
how do i install it and process my =
resul=3D<BR>ts.<BR>&nbsp=3D3B<BR>Please =
help<BR>&nbsp=3D3B<BR>Lawrence =
t;</P><BR><DIV class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal style=3D3D"TEXT-ALIGN: =
center" align=3D3Dcenter><SPAN=3D<BR> style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: =
10pt=3D3B FONT-FAMILY: 'Verdana'=3D2C'sans-serif'"><BR><HR =
align=3D3Dcenter width=3D3D"100%" =
SIZE=3D3D2><BR></SPAN></DIV><BR><P =
class=3D3DEC_MsoNormal><SPAN style=3D3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt=3D3B =
FONT-FAMILY: 'Ver=3D<BR>dana'=3D2C'sans-serif'">What can you do with =
the new Windows Live? <A href=3D3D=3D<BR>"<A =
/www.microsoft.com/windows/windowslive/default.aspx</A>">Find =
/><hr />Get news=3D2C entertainment and everything yo=3D<BR>u =
care about at Live.com. <a href=3D3D'<A =
ed.aspx</A> ' =3D<BR>target=3D3D'_new'>Check it =
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