Hi Lawrence,
I did a very quick check and the attached input file completes
successfully on my machine. The fact that the example.inp file which is
shipped with FLUKA does not run might hint at a corrupted FLUKA
installation. As a test you might try to re-install your FLUKA
installation and run the test input example.inp again.
If this doesn't help you might want to attach the input file which
causes trouble, the output, the log and the error file to your posting.
In general, this is the information which is usually required to look
into a problem in more detail.
Hope that helps
From: Lawrence Mhatiwa [mailto:lawrencemhatiwa_at_hotmail.com]
Sent: 17 March 2009 12:11
To: Chris Theis; fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Thank you so much for your help.
I have attached my input file called original.inp. Meanwhile i tried
to run the example input file that comes with FLUKA distribution and i
still get the same problem.I checked the .log flie(at the top) the
message i find there is as follows :
'STOP STOP:ABORT statement executed.loading or receiving an authorised
copy and /or using Fluka you agreed with the following
licens/conditions/requests.' Then come the copy right statement.
At the bottom of the file the message reads : 'STOP NO RANDOM FILES.
The .out file has the following statement at the end:***No Random file
Abort called from FLRM64 reason NORANDOM FILE Run stopped
You can try to run my input file to see the difference.
I really appreciate your coperation in this regard.
Lawrence Mhatiwa
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2009 19:51:10 +0100
From: Christian.Theis_at_cern.ch
To: lawrencemhatiwa_at_hotmail.com; fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Hi Lawrence,
it could be the case that the message "NO RANDOM FILE" is slightly
misleading. This is the reason why the program eventually aborted but it
might not be the primary reason. You should carefully check the .log
file (at the top!!!) and the .out at the end for additional error
messages. You might find a useful hint in the messages printed before
the final abort message which is related to the random number generator.
For example:
In addition to verify that the abort is not linked to a corrupted FLUKA
installation, which I actually would doubt, you can try to run the
example.inp file which is included in the FLUKA distribution. If this
file runs fine then it's a strong hint that the error is related to your
input file. As a general remark I would suggest to attach the respective
input files to your message sent to the discussion list. Otherwise it is
virtually impossible to give a more specific answer as there can be very
subtle errors in the input which might trigger sometimes misleading
abort messages. For example:
Von: Lawrence Mhatiwa [mailto:lawrencemhatiwa_at_hotmail.com]
Gesendet: Mo 16.03.2009 19:11
An: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org; Chris Theis; Markus Brugger
Dear Fluka Users
I have a problem in working with copied files.eg if the original file is
called fluka1.inp and after copying it to another file say
fluka2.inp.The copied file(fluka2.inp) does not run though there is no
difference in the two file except the name and usrbin options.The error
file generated from running a copied input file has the following
message 'Abort called from FLRM64 reason NO RANDOM FILE run stop!' STOP
Meanwhile the first file(fluka1.inp) was running.Its obvious there is a
problem with Random number generation.
I wolud appreciate your help in solving this situation.
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