Hi Roger,
there are two ways in flair.
1. Create the runs in sub-folders. From version 0.7.6 you have this
and then in the Data Process frame you mark the "Recursive"
checkbox. Then it will
scan all sub-folders for the same pattern.
2. In the Data frame select the master run and select also the detector(s).
You click the "fitler" button right to the file display.
Flair will popup a dialog to enter the pattern to search. It may look
a bit confusing in the begging but the most important rules are written
in the syntax text box.
Lets say that the auxiliary runs you created them by adding a
numerical suffix 2,3,... then modify the rule to
The first +/- is to include or remove a file,
^ means that the pattern should match the beginning of the string
\I is substituted by flair with the filename of the input file (without
the .inp)
\d is any digit from 0-9 (I've added an extra one from the default three
digits corresponding to the cycle added by fluka)
\U is the unit number
$ means the pattern should match also the end of the string
click ok and process
WARNING you can have different patterns for each Usrxx detector. But if
you select several then only from the pattern of the first selected
detector will appear.
Best Regards
rhaelg_at_phys.ethz.ch wrote:
> Dear FLUKA experts,
> I have access to a multi processor machine to use FLUKA on it. Therefore
> I would like to use several processors simultaneously. FLAIR offers the
> possibility to start several runs in parallel using different input
> files, or at least change some of the general parameters. I used this to
> change the initial random seed (FLAIR - Run FLUKA - Override Options -
> Rnd).
> My question is now how to combine (if possible) the data from this
> different runs? They only differ in the initial random seed.
> I didn't find any information about this in the manuals.
> This would be very timesaving to me, as I could perform several runs
> with several cycles each in parallel and therefore use my machine in an
> optimal way.
> Thank you for your help,
> Roger
Received on Tue Apr 07 2009 - 21:56:17 CEST
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