Dear fluka users,
I'm trying to get confidence with FLUGG, in order to run some Geant4
geometries on fluka.
I'm trying to compile FLUGG 2007_3 on scientific linux 5.0 x86_64 (with
Geant 4.9.0 p.02, clhep and Fluka 2008). After the Configure
command I linked the flugg script in my .bashrc
(a renamed .bashrc and are in attach).
I ran the Install script (see output file inst). Then in the source
directory I ran both gmake (output file gmk) and gmake global (output
file gmkglb) command, but some error occurred.
If I've correctly understood, all errors are relative to some missing
files in lib/Linux-g++ in my geant installation, such as,,, etc., but the
geant4 building process terminate without errors, so they probably are
not critical. Now, if I try to compile a simple example in emptyEx
directory a new error comes out. The gmake output (gmkmy in attach)
say that MyExDetectorConstruction.o is incompatible with my x86_64
architecture. How can I force the 32 bit compatibility of mainFLUGG?
Thanks a lot.
Michele Fabi.
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