Dear michele
the message about flukam tells only that gdb cannot find the file, not
that the crash is generated in/by flukam. flukam is in the libflukahp.a
The crash occurs in BuildFlukaMaterialFromElement. Could you please
send the example code?
On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 20:56 +0200, wrote:
> Dear Paola,
> I'm trying to carry out a complete run with flugg, using a quite
> complicated geant4 geometry. I removed the lines between geobegin and
> geoend in the example.inp (the input example that comes with the fluka
> package).
> Now from my emptyEx directory if I give the command
> $FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e /home/mike/FLUGG/bin/Linux-g++/mainFLUGG -M 1
> -N 0 example
> I obtain this error:
> /home/mike/myFlukaArea/flutil/rfluka: line 338: 11475 Floating point
> exception(core dumped) ${EXE} <$INPN 2>$LOGF >$LOGF
> The example001.log in fluka_10655 report this:
> ==> Flugg FluggNavigator constructor
> +fHistory=History depth=0
> Level=[0]: Phys = <Null>
> ) ...
> <== Flugg FluggNavigator constructor
> actualnav 0x1f3555c8 newnav 0x1f35b398
> 1
> ...cut...
> Then I tried to read the dump with gdb. The results are in gdb file in
> attach. If I correctly understand the problem is due to the missing file
> flukam.f.
> In fact I don't have any flukam.f in my whole home directory:
> [mike_at_phoenix fluka_10655]$ find ~ -name flukam.f
> [mike_at_phoenix fluka_10655]$
> What can I do to produce this file?
> Thanks.
> Michele Fabi.
Received on Wed Apr 29 2009 - 15:03:32 CEST
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