Dear Tuomo,
It's not yet ready.
Hopefully will be available soon
> []); Sat, 06 Jun 2009 22:53:29 +0200 (CEST)
> Sender:
> I've been reading through archives and there has been some talk about
> it, but nothing too resent.
> I'm running 64bit Debian squeeze testing and the g77 compiler is not
> easily available. Latest debian g77 package is from oldstable and there
> would be multiple conflicts with other installed software if I'd try to
> install it.
> --=20
> Tuomo Kalliokoski Life is too serious
> Graduate student to be taken seriously
> Department of Physics
> University of Jyv=C3=A4skyl=C3=A4 =20
> tel. +358 (0)14 260 2390 (work)
> tel. +358 (0)40 535 7023 (private)
Paola Sala
INFN Milano
tel. Milano +39-0250317374
tel. CERN +41-227679148
Received on Mon Jun 22 2009 - 10:44:21 CEST
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