Hi Andrzej,
your input contains a few mistakes on the cards
* heavyion
LAM-BIAS WHAT(3) = 0. 5 (there is a space between the 0. and the 5)
* for muon production
PHOTONUC contains as material -2
* USRYIELD cards if you want logarithmic on the first quantity (ie) then
the ie should be negative not the ia therefore the ie=-1 and ia=14
WHAT(1) = 1399
and finally your problem of the RESNUCLEi cards is because you have not
set the WHAT(4), therefore the maximum neutron excess, of the scoring is
based on your material COPPER and not on your projectile U-238. To
correctly set it please refer to the manual notes 2&3
2) To minimise storage, nuclei are indexed by Z (with Z_min =
1) and
NMZ = N - Z (with (NMZ)_min = -5). The parameter M is
defined as
M = NMZ - (NMZ)_min: therefore M_min = 1. The following
can also be useful:
N - Z = M + (NMZ)_min N = M + Z + (NMZ)_min
3) In the case of heavy ion projectiles the default NMZ, based
on the region material, is not necessarily sufficient to
score all
the residual nuclei, which could include possible ion
I would recommend for this things to check your input with flair. Most
of these errors are highlighted.
On 29/06/09 12:41, Andrzej Wojciechowski wrote:
> Hi Mario
> Because you know my input file I have another question to you.
> Why the commands RESNUCLEI (in my input) do not calculate very heavy ion
> at Z=92 (for instance)? The maximum Z is equal to only 61?
> All best
> Andrzej
> Dnia 27-06-2009, sob o godzinie 01:16 +0200, Mario Santana Leitner
> pisze:
>> Hi Andrzej,
>> your input file had a formatting error, in a LAM-BIAS card you had '0.
>> 5' instead of '0.5'
>> I attach the modified input
>> Mario
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it on behalf of Andrzej
>> Wojciechowski
>> Sent: Sat 6/13/2009 12:34 PM
>> To: Mario Santana Leitner
>> Cc: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
>> Subject: RE: error
>> Dear Mario
>> I am sending you (In attachement) the results of calculation and
>> history
>> the error,
>> Unfortunately I dont to know what is the error reason yet.
>> All best
>> Andrzej
>> Dnia 08-06-2009, pon o godzinie 21:15 +0200, Mario Santana Leitner
>> pisze:
>>> Hello Andrzej,
>>> I saw some probable causes for your errors
>>> 1) you had a '-' sign before the VACUUM material in the PHOTONUC
>> card
>>> 2) you had a '-' sign in two of your USRYIELD cards. Note that to
>>> score momentum in usryield you don't use the minus sign (like you
>>> would do in the BEAM card) but you use ie=2 (which you already did)
>>> 3) there was a tabulator/spacing issue in your third USRYIELD card
>>> (second line)
>>> please test the attached file (I am running it myself but it takes
>>> some time...)
>>> Mario
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it on behalf of Andrzej
>>> Wojciechowski
>>> Sent: Mon 6/8/2009 11:16 AM
>>> To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
>>> Subject: error
>>> Dear FLUKA users and programmers
>>> Could I ask for a reasons of the error (see attachement)?
>>> Andrzej
Received on Thu Jul 02 2009 - 10:50:04 CEST
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