Hi Alberto,
you are right and is what I meant. Sloppy terminology from my side, as
for me the start of a primary particle is a pp interaction.
On Jul 9, 2009, at 10:49 PM , Alberto Fasso' wrote:
> Steffen and Rob,
> ATRACK is not the time since first interaction, but the time since
> the start
> of the primary particle. The primary particle is loaded into stack
> with
> ATRACK = 0 and the time is updated at every step
> Alberto
> On Thu, 9 Jul 2009, Steffen Mueller wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> this might help you, just saw it recently as I also had the same
>> question:
>> http://www.fluka.org/web_archive/earchive/new-fluka-discuss/1026.html
>> According to this ATRACK is not the age of the track but the time
>> since first
>> interaction, which is - as far as I understood - what you were
>> asking for.
>> Cheers,
>> Steffen
>> Rob Appleby wrote:
>>> Dear FLUKA experts,
>>> I would like to save in mgdraw.f the age of a particle, with t=0
>>> at the time
>>> of the first interaction. i.e. the total age.
>>> ATRACK in TRACKR gives the age of the track which needs to be
>>> summed up over
>>> the history to give the total age of a final particle.
>>> I've used SPAREK as a running time sum through the cascade, which
>>> I update
>>> in
>>> stuprf.f after every hadronic interaction by adding ATRACK to this
>>> running
>>> sum
>>> (adding the TRACK age of the parent). This gives (I think) the age
>>> of the
>>> final particle, when read out in mgdraw at the end, with a
>>> contribution for
>>> every track ending in a hadronic interaction. In stupre.f I also
>>> do the same
>>> thing for EM interactions, except the particles produced in the EM
>>> interaction
>>> are already pushed onto the stack and so I can't add the parent
>>> age to the
>>> running sum in SPAREK. I tried adding
>>> AGEMF(Npstrt) but this is already the daughter particles and so
>>> equal to 0.
>>> Is this possible to update the running sum correctly, or is there
>>> a better
>>> way
>>> to get this total age?
>>> Many thanks,
>>> Rob
>>> ***********************************
>>> Rob Appleby, EN/MEF, CERN.
>>> robert.appleby_at_cern.ch
>>> Tel: +41 22 76 76532
>>> ***********************************
> --
> Alberto Fasso`
> SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025
> Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569
> fasso_at_slac.stanford.edu
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