Dear Lawrence,
you have the TITLE card empty, and for some reason FLUKA reads the BEAM
card as the title of your simulation. Therefore instead of running with
electrons of 13.5MeV you are running with protons of 200GeV.
If you fill the title card with some text then it works as you would expect.
Best Regards
On 14/08/09 13:23, Lawrence Mhatiwa wrote:
> Dear Fluka Users
> Iam characterising photoneutrons produced by a 15MV photon beam of an
> Accelerator . My input file(Attached).
> In the set up, i have a sphere filled with air at the isocentre in
> which iam scoring photon and neutron spectra.In addition i also have 3
> other spheres ,one at -40cm and another one at 40cm in the x -
> direction.The third sphere is located at +40cm in the y - direction
> .All of these spheres are on xy plane as shown in the input file.
> Well i got neutron spectra as shown on the file name
> _*neutronspectra*_(attached), as well as photon spectrum ,file named
> _*photonspectrum*_ (attached).
> My problem is that the photon spectrum shows me that i have photons
> with energy greater than the incident beam.The same is shown for
> neutrons .To me it does not look fine .Or else iam making a very
> serious mistake on ploting the spectra. Please have a look on my input
> file and my results (attached files) and advice what i should do to
> solve this problem.
> Please help
> Lawrence
> University Of Free State
> Medical Physics Department
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Received on Thu Aug 20 2009 - 14:30:41 CEST
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