Dear Fluka Users
I am characterising photoneutrons produced by a 15MV photon beam of an
My input file(Attached).
In the set up i have a sphere filled with air at the isocentre in which
iam scoring photon and neutron spectra.In addition i also have 3 other spheres
one at -40cm and another one at 40cm in the x - direction. The third
sphere is located at +40cm in the y - direction. All of these spheres are
on xy plane as shown in the input file.
Well i got neutron spectra as shown on the file name neutronspectra(attached)
as well as photon spectrum file named photonspectrum (attached).
My problem is that the photon spectrum shows me that i have photons with
energy greater than the incident beam.The same is shown for neutrons .To me
it does not look fine .Or else iam making a very serious mistake on ploting
the spectra. Please have a look on my input file and my results (attached files)
and advice what i should do to solve this problem.
Please help
University Of Free State
Medical Physics Department
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Received on Fri Aug 14 2009 - 18:25:06 CEST
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