Dear Alfredo and Alberto,
Sorry for some confusions.
The SOURCE card can be removed as I did not compile in a source.f routine.
(Overlooked from an older case.) I attach the .out file. I had intended
that there would be no existing random number file to start with. The
original run on a university computer did not have one. I repeated the
run on my own machine, and it also bombed. There might have been a ran...
file on this machine. The .out file contains the initial seeds. The
.log file contains only the license.
I have now disabled the PHYSICS/PEATHRES card. There are still lots of
messages, but the calculations have survived 3 cycles so far (going for
10) on 40 cpu cores. Based on some limited comparisons, calculations
without the PEATHRES card are giving ~20% fewer K+ than with it. I'd
rather it be the other way, but... I've been apprehensive about this
feature, and have always been told that it will be the default in future
versions. Maybe it is still too soon.
With regards,
On Sun, 6 Sep 2009, Alfredo Ferrari wrote:
> Dear Joseph
> we need the starting random number which triggers the crash
> Ciao
> Alfredo
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
> | CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
> | 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: |
> | Switzerland || |
> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> On Sun, 6 Sep 2009, Joseph Comfort wrote:
> > I need to produce kaons and pions near 0 deg. for 120-GeV protons on a
> > platinum cylinder 6 cm long. I use a geometry similar to many successful
> > applications at lower energies. In running 40 cpu cores at once, with
> > different random number seeds, some make it through while others bomb out.
> >
> > The input file for one of the failures is attached, along with the .err
> > file. The only code modification is in the attached mgdraw routine, which
> > is used for output to post-processing.
> >
> > I can live with warning messages in a file that I will eventually delete.
> > But what do I need to do to prevent the failures? I went from 'Precision'
> > to 'New-defaults' and then turned EMF off. These prevented problems from
> > showing up sooner, but I still get failures.
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Joe
> >
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