Dear Joseph
we need the starting random number which triggers the crash
| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: |
| Switzerland || |
On Sun, 6 Sep 2009, Joseph Comfort wrote:
> I need to produce kaons and pions near 0 deg. for 120-GeV protons on a
> platinum cylinder 6 cm long. I use a geometry similar to many successful
> applications at lower energies. In running 40 cpu cores at once, with
> different random number seeds, some make it through while others bomb out.
> The input file for one of the failures is attached, along with the .err
> file. The only code modification is in the attached mgdraw routine, which
> is used for output to post-processing.
> I can live with warning messages in a file that I will eventually delete.
> But what do I need to do to prevent the failures? I went from 'Precision'
> to 'New-defaults' and then turned EMF off. These prevented problems from
> showing up sooner, but I still get failures.
> Thank you,
> Joe
Received on Mon Sep 07 2009 - 09:44:35 CEST
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