Dear Cunkui,
first of all, I would like to suggest you to read the fortran 77 tutorial
( about the
meaning of logical output etc.
About the meaning of formatted and unformatted data:
simply, a formatted file means that is written in ASCII format while a
unformatted file is written in binary format.
About the USRBDX output see for instance the FLUKA beginner's guide:
> Dear Fluka experts,
> I am a Fluka beginner.When I referred to the manual about the common
> estimator cards, such as USRBDX, I am puzzled at the What(3)s. What does
> the logical output unit mean and what are the differences between
> formatted and unformatted datas?
> Thank you very much.
> Best Regards,
> Cunkui Gong,
> HRBEU,Harbin,China
Received on Tue Sep 08 2009 - 13:29:17 CEST
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